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Capturing the Minds of Millennials

  • 10 Nov 2016
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • General Services Complex, Texas A&M University, Room 101


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How do you get a Millennial off the cell phone long enough to be a lifeguard? Is that even possible? Capturing the Minds of Millennials focuses on helping trainers overcome stereotypes associated with Millennials to unleash the amazing potential of the next generation of leaders. This interactive and highly energized workshop will include methods and models for sharpening kinesthetic learning and tactile responses.

Vera Vowell Solis is a graduate of Texas A&M University in Kinesiology with a Biology minor. She has worked for the City of College Station for 31 years. Her most valuable experience in Aquatics was to get invited to teach for Scott Deisley at The Atlantis, Palm Jumierah in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She received the lifetime Achievement Award for Aquatic Excellence from Jeff Ellis and Associates, an international Aquatic Safety and Risk Management Consulting firm dedicated to the prevention and elimination of drowning. Vera’s goals are to provide quality education to frontline aquatic supervisors and lifeguards, to reduce the loss of life due to drowning, and to provide opportunities for education through the Aquatic Industry. She is known internationally for her ability to coach, train and mentor young people for the daunting responsibility of protecting the lives of swimmers.

This topic maps to to the Performance Improvement and Integrated Talent Management areas of expertise on the ATD Competency Model. ATD Competency Model

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